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What is Bowen?

The Bowen Technique is a form of soft tissue manipulation created by Thomas A. Bowen (1916-1982) of Victoria, Australia.

Each treatment consists of sets of soft tissue manipulations on the fascia, muscles, nerves, tendons, ligaments, and the neurovascular system, interspersed by short pauses that allow the body to integrate the effects.

Why Bowen?

Because Bowen Therapy addresses every system and organ in the body down to the cellular level, it has been very effective in treating many dis-eases, disorders, and dysfunctions in the body.

Our sensory-motor systems repeatedly respond to trauma and everyday stresses via muscular and other reflexes. With the experience of pain, trauma and stress, our focus will lateralize into one of the brain hemispheres. This affects function on the side of the body that corresponds with that hemisphere.

Weakness will precede tension in the area.

Prolonged imbalance will often create chronic conditions to manifest in the body, mind, emotions.

As long as the body’s defences are activated, healing will not take place.

Bowen Therapy’s gentle resetting of the physical body encourages the brain to integrate these shifts and correct its own blueprint. As a practitioner we provide an environment in which the body can initiate this healing process.

On a more technical note, the Bowen Therapy moves stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system and the proprioceptors, sending information through the central nervous system to the brain. The spindle cells and Golgi tendon bodies reset the muscle’s resting tension level. The surrounding fascia becomes more fluid, allowing greater movement of blood and lymph through the tissue enhancing nutrition to, and waste removal from, the site. Hence the cleansing and detoxifying effect of Bowen Therapy.

To summarize, Bowen Therapy initiates a communication process by which the body will address shifts as needed and is a specific series of muscle, nerve, and connective tissue movements designed to treat a wide range of problems and injuries.

What conditions respond to Bowen?

From acute sports injuries to chronic conditions such as asthma and allergies, the Bowen Technique addresses many forms of "dis-ease," releasing pain, inflammation, and allowing the body’s own healing force to flourish.

Soothing and restorative, Bowen is safe to use on anyone.

Practitioners have found that Bowen therapy reduces physical, emotional and mental stress; improves joint mobility; increases circulation of lymphatic and venous fluids; enhances the assimilation of nutrients; and eliminates toxins.

In short, Bowen delivers profound, substantial, and lasting relief from a wide range of conditions and pain.

Some Examples:

• Musculo-Skeletal Problems

Frozen Shoulder - Shoulder Pain - Tennis Elbow - Sporting Injuries - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Arthritic Pain - Headaches - TMJ - Fibromyalgia - Migraine - Postural Problems - Hernia - Gait Disorders – Leg Length Discrepancy - Plantar Fasciitis - Shin Splints - Foot and Ankle Problems - Knee and Hip Restriction - Pelvis Problems - Repetitive Strain Injury - Sciatica - Scoliosis.

• Respiratory Problems

Asthma - Bronchitis - Sinusitis - Allergies - Hay fever.

• Digestive Problems

Bowel issues - Constipation - Colic - Crohn's Disease - Indigestion - poor digestion issues.

• Other Conditions 

Stress - Anxiety - Low energy - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Balance Problems - Tinnitus - Earache and Ear Infections - Prostatic Problems - Hemorrhoids.

‘In place of illness and discomfort,

Bowen introduces a state of ease and well-being.’

                                                                                    - Bowen College of Canada