Remember, if it's not in the soil, it's not in your food!

Why Organic?

Why eat foods that are the closest to their natural state in the soil?

Only in this way, can we truly, be in harmony with our bodies’ energies and attain our greatest health.

Here are 125 foods that will bring you and your family the health and peace of mind you deserve.

There are, of course, other nutritious foods; just keep in mind they must be whole, natural, nutrient-rich, organic, and locally grown where possible, for optimal health.

Click here for: 125 Nutritious Foods



Remember: Healthy Nutrition Tastes Good, Feels Good, and Does Good.

Criteria for Healthy food

Among the thousands of different foods our world provides, the majority contain at least several of the nutrients our bodies need, but to be included here they have to meet the criteria listed below.

The criteria used here will also help you understand why some of your favourite (and also nutritious) foods may not be included in this list, particularly, hard to find foods.

Nutrient Dense

The food you’ll find here has been selected because they are among the richest sources of essential nutrients needed for optimal health.

A food is more nutrient dense when the levels of nutrients are high in relationship to the number of calories the food contains. By eating these foods, you'll be getting all of the essential nutrients that you need for excellent health, for the least number of calories, including vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, essential fatty acids, enzymes, fibre etc.

Whole Foods

Whole foods complete with all their rich natural endowment of nutrients. They have not been processed nor do they contain synthetic, artificial or irradiated ingredients. Whenever possible, I recommend purchasing "Organically Grown" foods since they not only hugely better promote your health, but the health of our planet as well.

Familiar Foods

Common "everyday" foods. These include the fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds, lean chicken, wild fish, olive oil, herbs and spices that are familiar to most people.

Readily Available

Although there are many foods that are exceptionally nutritious, many of them are not readily available in different areas of the country. Here you will find foods that most people can easily find at their local organic market.


Selected here are foods that are not only familiar and available, but also affordable, particularly if purchased  locally and in season. This would also be the time they are the freshest and of the best quality.


Choose foods that you enjoy as your body will reward you by creating enzymes and thus, good digestion.

Is  your  blood  ‘cluttered’ ?

If you have an acid environment from eating too many acid foods,  it will be. This diminishes it’s ability to carry nutrients to our cells.

Here's a great alkalizing drink that I make every morning. It's SO refreshing, full of nutrition and energy.

Great for  'spring cleaning',  it cleanses the internal organs,  balances the alkaline/acid of the body,  great for cleansing the body of fat pockets, and so much more! 

As always, all organic ingredients where possible, will make a huge difference.

Anastasia's 'Wake-up' health drink

  1. 1 or 1/2 of a lemon freshly squeezed

  2. 2 to 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar to taste (organic and from a glass bottle)

  3. 1/2 to 1 tsp.  unpasteurized honey  or  raw maple syrup

  4. 1 tsp. fresh raw ginger cut into small pieces (optional)

  5. 2 cups or more of pure, ‘ live’ water. Drink in the morning and don't eat for one hour afterwards if possible, although 20 min. will do!

I have found in my own life, that if we endeavour to practice these three things daily we can change our lives and help those around us find the strength to do the same.

  1. BE, grateful in all things within your life. The happiest people in the world are the ones who are grateful for the little, and the big things in their lives.

  2. ACT, as if you are your only child. How differently would we talk to ourselves. How would we treat ourselves if we knew we were our only child. Ask your body daily what it needs and do your best to give it.

  3. FIND, joy in each moment. It’s there for us in every moment of our lives. We just need to look with a child’s eye.

*Phone, with e-mail, consultations are available as are Health Lectures and classes*


~ Because your Health, is your true wealth.~


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