BOWEN BODY BALANCE can restore your natural movement and flow. Feel that stress and pain dissolve, leaving your body serene and yet full of renewed energy. Bowen can correct or help with long term issues or acute injuries. Bowen also works with stress, depression and emotional, mental, clarity and continues to amaze people with what it can do.

Whether you are 1 or 100 years young, Bowen is, for you!

Bowen can re-balance and realign your body, posture, and structure, in a gentle and

effective way, letting go of stress, toxins, and pain. Once the body has released itself

from the ‘fight or flight’ mode it can begin to heal, renew, and rebuild.

Release and detoxify, renew and rebuild.

Bowen Therapy is not just a treatment therapy but also a profound relaxation technique. It treats you, not just the condition. Many people now choose Bowen Therapy instead of massage for its therapeutic and relaxing benefits.

You deserve the gentlest, most effective and economical form of healthcare available.

"Always looking for that ‘missing link’, with 30 years of experience in Nutrition and Holistic Health, it was a pinnacle moment in my health practice when I found Bowen Therapy. Having graduated from the Bowen College of Canada ( with the designation of Certified Bowen Health Therapist C.B.H.T.  I then continued my studies for two more years with an Advanced  form of Bowen Therapy, and Energy Psychology.

I have found that combining  Bowen Therapy, EFT & Energy Psychology, with my extensive Nutritional and Holistic Health education and experience, is a great gift which not only positively effects the entire physical body, but the mind, emotions, and spirit as well. With this combination, we have, Unlocked the body's code.” - Anastasia

Doctors, osteopaths, chiropractors, physical and sports therapists report startling successes when Bowen Therapy is integrated into their patient’s treatment plan.

"Give your body the help it needs...If you are in pain, stressed, tired, or unwell, don't wait until you have compensated to the point of creating a larger health issue, come in and see me, together we can work towards a healthy and limitless future." - Anastasia


Do you live with pain on a daily basis?

Do you feel tired and in need of a change?

Bowen Therapy is one of the fastest, pain relief, stress release, and injury recovery bodywork modalities available today!


Unlock your body‘s code

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Healing Therapy
Injury Recovery
Pain Relief
Stress Release